Lydian Naturals Newsletter
SL: Out with the old, in with new ...
... ideas. It’s time to rethink salt.
Happy New Year!
Welcome to Lydian Naturals 1st newsletter of the new year.
Like most people, I used to think – healthwise -salt was bad.
Then I learned about the Celtic Sea Salt brand.
I was in my 20’s, many moons ago. Selina Delangree, the owner of the Celtic Salt Society (now known as Selina Naturally) wrote captivating, informative newsletters that talked about the health benefits of unrefined sea salt.
She also offered an array of healthy products.
Back then, there weren’t as many health food stores as there are now, or an internet.
We really appreciated Celtic Salt Society’s information about health and wellness.
Years later, in my 40’s, we moved to Asheville NC.
How about this?
Where we had moved was practically next door to Selina’s operation. My mom and I had been buying her products for so long that, by the time I met her, I felt like I had just met a celebrity.
Also in Asheville I was introduced to halotherapy at The Salt Spa of Asheville.
Here I discovered even more benefits of unrefined salt.
The owner, Ines Clark and I became fast friends, as I visited her wonderful salt spa regularly.
I got to chat with her and her customers about how helpful the Himalayan salt was for their various ailments.
One afternoon at the spa, I read an article on halotherapy explaining the science behind the effectiveness of halotherapy for respiratory problems.
Hmm, I thought, “that’s impressive”. I always appreciate having some science behind claims.
So I was already a salt fan when I came across a book written by Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
In it he explains that there is a huge difference between refined salt and unrefined salt.
Refined salt is a devitalized food source that’s harmful and should be avoided completely.
Refined salt is what you’re supposed to cut out of your diet.
The huge difference beween refined and unrefined salt is the minerals.
Unrefined salt contains over 80 essential minerals.
Refined salt, none.
In Dr. Brownstein’s holistic practice he found most patients were actually deficient in minerals.
His clinical experience showed that his patients with hypertension had significant improvements in their blood pressure when treated with mineral supplementation. And he began using unrefined salt as part of a regimen to correct mineral deficits.
His patients’ blood pressure began falling and he found improvements in their immune systems and hormonal systems, as well.
Something else I found very interesting was that his research of medical literature showed the connection between salt and hypertension was very weak, at best.
So maybe it’s time to rethink salt and as Selina says ...
“Salt your way to health”.
SL: Out with the old, in with new ...
... ideas. It’s time to rethink salt.
Happy New Year!
Welcome to Lydian Naturals 1st newsletter of the new year.
Like most people, I used to think – healthwise -salt was bad.
Then I learned about the Celtic Sea Salt brand.
I was in my 20’s, many moons ago. Selina Delangree, the owner of the Celtic Salt Society (now known as Selina Naturally) wrote captivating, informative newsletters that talked about the health benefits of unrefined sea salt.
She also offered an array of healthy products.
Back then, there weren’t as many health food stores as there are now, or an internet.
We really appreciated Celtic Salt Society’s information about health and wellness.
Years later, in my 40’s, we moved to Asheville NC.
How about this?
Where we had moved was practically next door to Selina’s operation. My mom and I had been buying her products for so long that, by the time I met her, I felt like I had just met a celebrity.
Also in Asheville I was introduced to halotherapy at The Salt Spa of Asheville.
Here I discovered even more benefits of unrefined salt.
The owner, Ines Clark and I became fast friends, as I visited her wonderful salt spa regularly.
I got to chat with her and her customers about how helpful the Himalayan salt was for their various ailments.
One afternoon at the spa, I read an article on halotherapy explaining the science behind the effectiveness of halotherapy for respiratory problems.
Hmm, I thought, “that’s impressive”. I always appreciate having some science behind claims.
So I was already a salt fan when I came across a book written by Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
In it he explains that there is a huge difference between refined salt and unrefined salt.
Refined salt is a devitalized food source that’s harmful and should be avoided completely.
Refined salt is what you’re supposed to cut out of your diet.
The huge difference beween refined and unrefined salt is the minerals.
Unrefined salt contains over 80 essential minerals.
Refined salt, none.
In Dr. Brownstein’s holistic practice he found most patients were actually deficient in minerals.
His clinical experience showed that his patients with hypertension had significant improvements in their blood pressure when treated with mineral supplementation. And he began using unrefined salt as part of a regimen to correct mineral deficits.
His patients’ blood pressure began falling and he found improvements in their immune systems and hormonal systems, as well.
Something else I found very interesting was that his research of medical literature showed the connection between salt and hypertension was very weak, at best.
So maybe it’s time to rethink salt and as Selina says ...
“Salt your way to health”.